Sponsor our Markets

Now more than ever, farmers markets serve as anchors across American communities, positively influencing community health and wealth. Markets result in stronger regional economies and local farm businesses, increased access to fresh, nutritious food and stronger social networks that keep communities healthy. What began as a business necessity for many small farmers has evolved into a social event for entire communities.

Sponsorship Levels

Our Sponsorship programs give market supporters several ways to partner with local agriculture and small business. In addition to these packages, we have the ability to design a custom offering. Contact us for more information.

As we grow, our Sponsors benefit from our connection to the community and increased visibility. In 2024, the Woodinville Farmers Market averaged 39 vendors per week, and hosted 44 musicians and 10 non-profits over the season. Social media engagement continues to grow exponentially, with the Market seeing a 610% increase last year.

We offer several sponsorship levels to match your budget and interest.

We are also happy to create a custom offering, event or engagement opportunity. Reach out to our team for more information. We look forward to partnering with you.